Making a Game in Unity 012: Crews
In the last two weeks, I added crews, along with support for multiple ships in the world. I also fixed a whole range of issues that were plaguing ship flotation and maneuverability.
In the last two weeks, I added crews, along with support for multiple ships in the world. I also fixed a whole range of issues that were plaguing ship flotation and maneuverability.
I didn't have time to get as much done as I would have liked over the last two weeks, but I did manage to tie up some loose ends. I finally sorted out the character controller and cannons are now fully functional.
Over the last two weeks, I finished integrating BepuPhysics v2, and I finally got started on cannons. I only had time for basic interaction so far, so I'll be working on firing functionality in the next progress update.
In this C# networking tutorial, you'll learn how to build a dedicated server and connect it to a Unity client. Buckle up, because this post is a long one!
Since the last progress update, I added a cannon model, drastically decreased CPU usage, and upgraded to BepuPhysics v2, which recently came out of beta.
Although I had planned to leave flotation alone for a while, I decided to take another shot at it. Additionally, I found found and fixed some lighting issues with the low poly shader.
Being productive isn't only important when you're learning to code.
The last two weeks have been filled with learning about shaders. I wanted to write a low poly shader that doesn't rely on geometry shaders, and I came extraordinarily close to giving up.
Despite severely overcomplicating stuff (more than once), I managed to make a lot of progress since the last update in this series, mainly to do with ship mechanics.